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Welcome to The Illawarra Parrot Club Incorporated! 

With an increasing interest in Aviculture in the Illawarra, our first meeting was held in August 2013 when our foundation members and a few other members got together wanting to bring change for Aviculturists in the Illawarra.


After successful and rapid interest in the parrot club over the next few months, the Illawarra Parrot Club was officially incorporated as a community non-profit organisation in January 2013.


The objectives of the Illawarra Parrot Club are;


  • The study of Australian and foreign birds particularly Parrots

  • The conservation of birds particularly Parrots, at liberty and in captivity including their habitats

  • The promotion of the hygienic keeping and scientific feeding and breeding of birds in the best and most natural conditions possible

  • The arrangement of lectures by visiting local aviculturists and naturalists on matters relating to selection, care and treatment of indigenous and foreign birds particularly parrots.

  • The dissemination of avicultural information, which publication shall be sent to all members of the Association

  • The cultivation of affiliation and friendly relations with societies and clubs having similar objectives in any part of the world

  • To establish viable breeding populations of all suitable species of birds in captivity, particularly Parrots

  • The pursuit of the establishment of Federal quarantine facilities and subsequent entry of foreign birds into Australia

  • The free and unhindered exchange of aviary-bred birds between aviculturists throughout Australia

  • To develop public interest in all forms of bird life particularly Parrots

  • To conduct competitive and non-competitive exhibitions including bird sales.





Foundation Members...

Ray Dowton, Stan Michalopoulos, Alex Maturana and Steven Gallo.

© 2022 Illawarra Parrot Club Incorporated

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